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Emperor Poet : Nan Tang Hou Zhu Li Yu (937-978)

Li Hou Zhu 李後主(li3 hou4 zhu3) (931-978) was the last ruler of the Southern Tang Kingdom from 961 to 975 during Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period and a renowned Chinese poet. His given name was Li Yu 李煜 (li3 yu4).

Li is a brilliant and gifted poet, probably influenced during his childhood by scholaristic guests of his father. However most of his best poems were composed during his "miserable" years after he surrenderred his kingdom to Song Dynasty. His story remains very popular in many Cantonese operas.

List of his poems should be added.

虞美人  Tune to "Beauty Yu"
YU meiren
春花秋月何時了?往事知多少? -
*Chunhua qiuyue heshi liao? Wangshi zhi duoshao?
小樓昨夜又東風。故國不堪回首明月中。雕欄玉砌應猶在。只是朱顏改。 -
Xiaolou zuoye you dongfeng. Guguo bukan huishou mingyue zhong. Diaolan yuqi ying youzai. Zhishi zhuyangai.
Wen Jun neng you jiduo chou Qiasi yijiang chunshui xiang dongliu.

(* Transcription in Pinyin)

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